11º Congresso Internacional de Etnobiolgia
Início : Quarta-Feira 25 Junho 2008, 8:00
Fim : Segunda-Feira 30 Junho 2008, 18:00
Informação de contato

Email :
URL : http://www.botanica.org.br/default.asp?SECAO=4&SUBSECAO=0&EDITORIA=211
Será realizado, no período de 25 a 30 de junho de 2008, em Cusco, no Peru, o 11º Congresso Internacional de Etnobiolgia.
11th International Congress Of Ethnobiology Cusco, Peru 25-30 June 2008.
Call for Participation and Contributions
We invite written, video, artistic and other contributions on the Congress theme:
Livelihoods and Collective Biocultural Heritage
Please submit a 500-word description of your contribution by March 05, 2008 to Program Chair ICE 2008 via e-mail: ice2008@andes.org.pe
We invite contributions that explore the following topics:
Traditional Agricultural Landscapes and Community Conserved Areas;
Climate Change and Adaptation;
Ethnobiology and Traditional Resource Rights: Darrell Posey´s Legacy.
A Special Session on Food Sovereignty and Centers of Origin: Celebrating the International Year of the Potato dedicated to potato farming communities of the Andean region will be also part of the Program.
We also invite contributions to the Pre-Congress Workshop in Tarapoto, Peru: Malaria and the Health and Well-being of Indigenous Peoples (for more information see the ICE 2008 website coming soon) and to the Congress’ World Cultures Festival in Cusco featuring among others a Video Festival, Music Festival and Art Exhibits.
Proposals for Pre-and Post-Congress Training Workshops are welcomed.
The ICE 2008 will include both academic presentations and alternative formats of interaction designed to facilitate multidisciplinary content, bridging epistemologies, and intercultural discussion, and organized around a key topic; formats will include video, theatre, music, dance, and exhibits. We therefore invite the submission, in any of these formats, of new and significant experiences in the Congress themes that have particularly bridged epistemologies and scales and utilized emancipatory and learning and action methodologies. Video submissions authored by indigenous peoples are especially invited.

Disciplina - Biologia -